When I started List Crusade, two years ago, nobody knew me at all and I really had no list to speak of. What I had was an idea, and the guts to call people on the telephone and talk to them. That's all! I had a strategy, and that made all the difference.
Basically we said, "We would like to promote your product and your services to the list that we're building. We don't have any of our own products yet, so we would like to promote your products through our affiliate links. Here are all the people we are approaching. Would you like to be part of our newsletter$%:"
"Whether you want to do an audio interview, whether you'd just like to co- promote each other, you can promote our newsletter one time, and we'll promote your products over and over again to every person who ever joins our list in an autoresponder sequence." Think about that for a second. If you go to someone and say, "If you email out to your once or twice, I will email out to everyone who ever joins my list about your product or service. The best part is all these other people are being approached for this, too. So you can see the caliber of people we are talking to."
This is a very easy, a very standard, approach. Again, you guys already chose three or four products that you're going to promote out to your lists. In doing so, you created your first potential joint venture relationship. When I had you go to MyFirstAffiliateProduct.com and ClickBank.com and find those products, you were finding your first potential joint venture partners.
You can read all sorts of stuff on joint ventures. What I'm about to recommend are several places you can go to find joint venture partners, to brainstorm with them, and to come up with ideas on how you can get other people to work with you to build each others' businesses and to build each others' lists. The reason we wanted you to do co-reg first was so that when you started approaching these joint venture partners, you could say, "I already have 1,000, 3,000, or 5,000 on my list. I'm bringing something to the deal when I'm looking to promote some of your stuff."
It's a very interesting web, the way it works. The co-reg is to give you that up-front advantage to really step it up and outdo what everybody else is doing. Most people just say, "Hey, promote my products, please." They're not offering you anything in return. They have no list, and nothing to offer. It's really frustrating when people do that. They clearly haven't studied any of this stuff. You are going to have a major advantage because of this.